Answered By: MSU Library Help
Last Updated: Feb 18, 2025     Views: 3344

To create persistent URLs (or permalinks) to an article, database, or search results list so that other MSU users can view it from both on and off campus can be done, but it is a somewhat complex process. These links could be used within Brightspace and on other course pages. It is complex because each publisher may need a different process, and it will not work at all for some.

To make sure that authorized off-campus users can view the item, each permalink will need the MSU Library proxy prefix of

For links to articles, look for a “bookmark,” “persistent URL,” or “permalink,” link, and then just add the proxy prefix.

For example, in InfoTrac PowerSearch and related databases, look for the Bookmark this Document link. Then add the proxy prefix above to the front of that long URL for the permalink.

In Academic Search Complete and other EbscoHost databases, once you select an item look on the right side of the screen under Tools for the Permalink button. The proxy prefix is NOT NEEDED since it is already embedded in the Permalink on EbscoHost databases.

In JSTOR, use the Remote Access URL. The proxy prefix is NOT NEEDED since it is already included in the remote access URL.